Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEll 24. Triumph ofFaith. 3 r j not {atted at all, nor {waddled at all. ver. 6, And nJ.Jhen 1 pa.ffid b~'V thee, and fa·w thee polluted - in thy Jilood, 1 {aid unto thee, wberz thou waft. in thy Jitnoa, Live: And alt this .the Lord might fpeak to the fame Church yet unconverted; and at that Time the Lord could not urrer that Expreffion of Love, to fay to a bloody and polluted Church, as he cloth, Cant. iv. 7· Thou art all fai1·, m_y Love, there is not a Spot in thee; now could it be fa. id, _that the Father and the Son loveth fuch a Churcn, as fuch as love · h the Father, and keepeth the Words of the Son; as it is, 7ob. ·xiv. 21, zs, what the Church wa<; not fair, not. fpotlefs; but filthy, polluted, not wafhed, not juftified as· yet; and though it be true, tbat Faith procure-s not God's Love and Fa·veur (it is a Calumny that ever a Proteftanr Divine taught any fuch Thing) for the Work ot God's Pternal Love in EkEtion to Glory, .or his .Hatred. in Reprobati<>n, is not the Yefterday or the Day's-b1rth of onr Faith, or our Unbelief, yet that Believing, or our effectual Conver!ion maketh no Alteration or Change in our State before God, is a grofs Untruth; Fait-h and Convedi.on tnaketh indt:ed no Change of an.y St_a.te in the ancient _of fJJays, in the Strength of J(raet, who cann9t l1e or repent, and putteth not God fro~ the State of a teprobating or hating, or a not lovmg and choofing God, whereas before he .w_as f~ch, who did love and chonfe us to Salvation, (the Lord is our Witnefs) we afferted the contrary DoB:rine of Free-grace againft Armimans and SPap~fr,s. . 5· Propof. Our 11etieving and Converfion to God doth alter and change our State before God, 1. Becaufe G~d efteemed an Unbeliever that whjch z ~·