Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

· SER. 24 TriumphofFaith ' 3)~, Eph. ii. r, .z, 3, 4· ' Aul made us Kings and Prie(ls m1to God: Then th~ State of Hell and Death, ihould be the very State of Grace and Heaven bef<n·e God: A new Creature, z. Cor. v. 7· Lt:v;ht in the Lord, Eph. v. 8. Parta~ers of the divine Nv1ture, z Per. i. 4· Renewed in the Spirit of the fi1ind, Euh. iv. :q. Such as are begotten.again, unto a ti·vely Hope, by the Reforre8ion of .fe{us Chr~fl fr·cm the 'head, I Pet. ~· 3· :Born again not of corruptible Seed ~ Pet. 1. 23. Kings and Priells u;~to r;od, Rev. t.). A geneneration of Kings~ 'Prie(ls unto God, 1 Pet. , 11. 9· M1..dl: be io theirState,iorne otherThing than old Creature~, , than 'IJar knefs, than unrene~wed, uncircumcifed old Men, Slavcs of Sin, Perfecu... tors 'Blajphemers, inju1'ious Per{om: The Lord fpeaketh of a Change great enough, !fa. xltii. 4· .Since thou czvafl precious in my Sight_; thou haft been hof'lourable., and I ha·ve loved thee, &c. Were the Children ofWrath from Eternity honourable ? No, were they more precious and honourable aEl:nally before God from Eternity, than the refl: of the Nati<ms? No, the contrary is-- Evident, Ezek. xvi. 3· 'IJeut. vii. 7. g_ 'Pfat. cx'lv1i. I 9, zo, 'IJeut. xxvi. 5· Certainly, if Faith or Conver£on - to God (a fpecial _Part of which is raith) . dotb not alter the State of JJetievers before God, then arc they Believers, and actually converted before God, and fo jufh6ed from Eternity ? Vv hen were they then Sinners ? Never, their Sins were jufi: no Sins from Eternity, and blotted ~tway as a Cloud, as a thick Cloud ; as it is, lfa. xliv. z·z. And that from Ete!'nity, and fi·om Eternity fought and not found, bel:aufe pardoned; Jer. v. zo." no ?JZc~e ?'eJnPmbred, Jfl!· x.Jiii. 2 ;. now they were ]ufhfied fl'om Eterouy, and ere they bctieve in Z ~ ~hn