356 , 1he Trial and SER. 24 him that jujlieth the Ungodty, no otherWays than in Go~'s ~ec_ree and. et~rnal Purpofe; but the Truth ts, thts ts thePrmctple, falfe & rotten Pillar of all Libertinifm, which I evert thus; and they Jhall never be able to anfwer· it. If Faith be fo far forth a .lt1anife(lation ofour :Juflification before God; becaufe J uftification was in the Sight of God at1:ually done from Eternity, before all Time ; then are we never. l!n£odly, and aB:ually Sinners before God: For 1t ts impoffible (fay An· tinomians) that God can both hate us, as ungod• . Jy, and love us as juftijied in Chrijl; and it iJ vain, and nonfenfe (fay they) that God loved the ' Perfons from Eternity, and ha'ted the Sins, or that he loved the BleB with the Lo·ve of Election, or Lo'ne of Good-witl, and did not at{o love them with tl;e Lo·ve of.7uftijication, (this is their Term, not mine) or with the Lo"Je ofComplacent~, and his gcod-tikjng to fai~h in tbem. Then (fay I) from Et~rmty the JUfttfied w~re never ungodly, never Smners, never the Heus·of Wrat~, ? never fuch as Jerved divers Lujls, and were difobedient, poll utt~d in their own Blood, which i~ downright contrary to the Word of Truth. 2.. Obferve th~ Principle -of Antinomians : ff?e are not ;ujlified by Faith (fay rhey) How then ? Becaufe-, :we are .fuftified from Eterni~v, only we are faid by Paul, to be jujlijied by Faitb, in that, by Faith, rzt'ecome to the Knowledge and AJ!itrance of the State of Ele8ion, and of .7uflijication, and God's AB of not imputing Sin to us, ~rhicb A8s were pajfed upon usfrom Eternity, and be/~re the Children had done Good or E'vit, Rom. 1x. 13 .And obferve the \Vords of Mr. Henry '.!Jemtf to this Purpofe: I do believe (faith he) Sin role . of