SEa 24 . . Triumph of Faith; 3'7 of that hide~us . Nat11re, and the .7uflice of God. fo perfe8, that he cannot but hate the Perjon, unte whom he imputeth, and 11pon whom he cbargeth Sin; iffo be, the Perfon charged, cannot give fult, perfe8, and prefent Satisfa8ion; and yet wilt I not fay, that the Son of God, upon whomatt our Iniquities were charged, •was at a· 11y 'lime, Filius Odii, a Son of 1fatrerl (for the Father was etefflaltywett pleafed with him, the Reafon is, that our Sins were no fooner cbarged. upon him, but that he had given fult and perfeff SatisJ.aBion, being the Lamb .flain fiom ~be Foundation of the World; Rev. xiii. 8. Anf. If God cannot but hate the Perfon upon who~he ·_chargeth Sin, .either Goa never charged <i>nr Sins upon Chrifr : Contrary to Scripture, Jfa. liii. 6 . I Pet. ii. 2 j, 24. 2 Cor. v. 21. or then he hated Chrifr, which no found Divine dare fay : The Pa vment and Sat1sfaB:ion which Chrift made, cannot hinder Chrift to hate Sin ; and fo the Perfon upon whom Sin is, (as Antinom'ians teach, while as they refufe this DiftinA:iori) no more than the Satisfaaion that Chriil: made fc>r Sin, can hinder itfelf, or hinder Chrift to die fM Sin ; for if God Jhould hate Chrift, it fhould be fatisfaaory Hatred, and Penal. 2. I much wonder, if God from Eternity charged Sin upon his Son Chrift, (for the Place he citeth, Rev. xiii. 8. and the Judgment of Antinomians fo expounding it, evinceth this to be his Meq,ning) how Chr~(l fi·om Eternity could give futt, perfeB, and prefent Satisfa8ion to prevent the Hatred of his Father, is not imaginable: Indeed, when Cbri(t gave Satisfatlion, I believe that it was ju!t and perjeB : But that Chrift from Eternity gave prejent • Satijfa6Jion, Z 3 and