3 58 The Trial and SER •.:- 24 and that to make L.s aO:tL ally ;'!Jfiified from all Erern1t)) ~s a Point no Head can ~onceive, exc_ept Herod, Ptlare, .7e:rJ.'S, and Genttles, the Tr~mor .7u~as! and all who were wicked AB:ors in killing of Chnft, be Men uncreated, who had Exiftence :an_d Being, and ~nned from Eternity; this lieth fa;rly hJr the- eternal World of Ari(lotle. then f1.1reiy Faith dorh not bring us to the.Know'Iedge, only of our State of Jllfbfication, as paired, a.nd done from Eternity, as if EJection to Glory, and the Love of God therein, and J uftification, and that I ove, as manifefted by Faith, were two eo, eternal Twins, both at once hegotten from Etrmity. Sure I am, <Zve are ju/li,fierJ b..v Faith ; bqt fure I am, we are not eleOed and rho(en to Life uernat by Faith: And if to be juf!:ified by FaJth, be as ou·r Mafters (though ignorant) teach, nothing but this, that we come to the Knowledgeof our Juftification by Faith, as by a Sign, even as the Day :ftar maketh not the Sun to rile. it being only a Sign that the Sun fhall ri e, and that J ufiificarion is as old a Ch;ld of tree Love as EleB:ion to Life, Then }ay I, Paut might have taken the like Pains to prove> rhefe Propofitions : 1Ve are chofen to Gtm:~' befire the H?rtd was, b_v Fait!?, and not by the y;oorl !Forks of the Law: And this ( Jv!en ewe reprobated from Eterniry byfi11a U!tbetiej:j For fure it is, that we come to the Knowled~e of our EJeB:ion to Glory by bel ieving; not to f~y, that Paut'slarge Difpute with J ufl:iciaries, was not whether we know, and apprehend our own luftification by tht" Works of th<" Law, or by Fairh in Chrift. 3· If Antinomiflns iay, that Chriil: was Dain f()r our Sins from Eternity, not atlually, but only in God's eternal Purpofe; and