Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEtt~ 24 Triumph of Faith." 359 and they muft fay, either he was the Lamb aCl:ually crucified for liS from Eternity, (which is a fleW eternal Worlrl) and we are actually juil:ified from Eternity, and our fins imputec1 to C~:ifr, and aaually tranf!ated off us, and laid on hlm, <3nd fo our Sins are aB:ually pardoned from Eternity: Or then they muft fay, Chrift was the . Lamb flain from Eternity, not aClually, not really, but ·only in the Decree and graciollS Purpofe of God ; now that is, (I grant, found Divinity) Chrift died 'not fi·om Eternity, but God only decreed and purpofed, that in the Fulnefs of Time, he fhould dif: But then it mufr follow, that God did not aB:nally .charge Sin on Chrift from Eternity, and that Chrift did not aCl:ually from Eternity juftifie the Ungodly, but only in his eternal Purpofe, he <.~id 1uftifie the Ungodly : Then the Ungodly are juf:. 'tined in Time; and when is this Time? I believe the Word of God, that it is never, while the poor Soul believes; even as the Sinner is condemned, and under Wrath, but never while he mif:believes, and rejeCts the Son ofGod. But, 4· If the meaning ( t/Jat C!orifl is the Lamb jlain fer our Sins -(r[lm Eternity) be, that he is flain only in God's ~Purp~ft', t4en are. we no more ju_fiified and par·· donea from Etermty, and fo before we believe', then the World. was created from Eternity. Now in _the jlnt~nomian Senfe, as we are juitified by FaJth, tnat rs, we come to know that we were in God's Mind aClually juftified; ~ Then it may be fa id, 'I'he WorM was created by '~Faith: For Heb. xl. 2.Through Faith :z~' e underfland that tloe IVorJcl was crearerl; and God' laid our Sins upon Chrifl by Faith : And Chr~{t died for us, and bare our Sins, on bis M.t'll :Body, on tbe Tree, by Faith: Z 4 For,