l ', l I I I ~ 6o 'lhe Trial and SEit. ~4 For, by Faith, we come tq know that God made •the •World ; but becauf~ the Knowledge and Appreh~n}1?n ?f :he Creatwn (may. 1_ome iay) is not a Pomt fervmg fot Peace of Conic1ence, and Chriftian ~onfoiat!on,_ which yet is falie, (every Point of favmg Fauh 1s apt to breed Peace and Cpniolation) yet certai_nly we _come to kno?' and apprehend .t.~at God laui our Sms upon Chr~f1, by Faith, Ifa. lm. 6. and that Chrifl died for us, and bare qur Sins on his own Jiody on the Tree, by Faith, and ~l' Paith on!y, to our Pea~e and Conf()lation; and fo, if J uftification by Faith be nothing but the Manifeftation of God's Love tq us, in imputing our Sins to Chrift, and have no fubordinate . or.ganical Act in our J ufli6catidfl, but we be jufrified before we believe, and that from Eternity, upon the v~ry fame Ground, God created the \Vorld by Faith, Chrifl: died for our Sins by Faith. 5· Yea, in thjs Senie, the World muft becreated from Eternity, and all Things which fell out jn Time, fell out in Eternity ; becaufe, as Chrift was the Lamb 'flain from Eternity, in God's eternal Purpofe, fi> were all Things, and the World created fi·orn Eternity in God's Purpofe and Decree, but Things that only have Being in the Decree of God, are not fimply, nor have t?ey ~ny Bc>ingat all; and therefore, our free Jufbficatton from Eternity had no Being, bnt only was to be, a~ aB:ually is, when God giveth us Faith to lay hold on the Remiffion of-our Sins. No_r is it enough to fay, 'Ihat Faith is on!J , ,;iven for our .7oy and Conjolation, and not jor the Alteration and Cha1!Pe of our State; that of unjnftified we rpay ~e juftifie(.l': For t~is la~ erh down thefe falfe Grounds. 1. The Bel1ever lS