SER· 24 T'riumph of Fait~.- . ~6 r fo in every Moment of Time to reJoice, as he is never to forrow for ·Sin, nor to confeis Sin, be- ·cauie Sins were -pardoned from all Eternity; but fo, neither after a Soul believes, nor before he believes, is he to confefs Sins, or mo 1rn for them; becaufe both after and before, yea from Fternity, . Sins are not at all, but removed in Chrift. 2. It layeth down this Ground, that we are juftified no more by Faith, than by the Works done, by the laving Grace of God . after Regeneration ; and that Paut in the Epiftle to the Romans and GaJatians, does contend with J ufticiaries, how thefe who 'were from Eternity juftitied,., !hall come to know and apprehend, for their o·wn' Peace; 7~y, a;nd 'Con(otation, ethat they were jn!lified a nd ·eleB:ed to Glory; whether Men may know this by Fqitb in Chrift, or by the Works of the Law. But, 1. this is notthe State ofthe ~1efton between Paul & the Jufliciaries: For Rom.iii.Paut con- · cludeth ftrongly, we are really and indeed changed from a State of Sin, unto a State of J uftification, even before God; not becauft', by keeping the,. Law, we know we are juftified, but beea ufe all have finned, and are come fhnrt of tlie Glory /of God, and io are inherently wi\ked, ahominable, Doers of Ill and condemned therefore, bc>fore God, from 'lJavid's Teftimony, .P(at. xiv. Pfat. liii. This Arg'1ment concludeth and intrjnfical Condemnation, ver. 1 9· not the Knowledge ofCondemnation, nor the Knowlede:e that we ' are not juftified by the Works of t1~~ Law,' Ram. iv. ' 2. Paut pr'oveth, that we art> ju{tifie,1 as 'JJavid and Abraham were; Now thc>v are not , faid to be juftified by Fairh , hec:1ufi.> the v corne by Faith to the Knowledge of their J.ufhficatiun: For