g6z The Trial and SER; 2 For Ab1·a!:Jam's Righteoufnefs, & the Bleifedneis of the juftified ~an oppofed to the Curie of the Law, .~~cm whtch we ~re freed in Juftification, Gat .. 1!1. 10, II, rz,. q.Ist~e re~l FL·uit ofJufii- :ficatton., and of bebevmg m lum that Juftifieth the lJ_ngodlv, Rom. iv. r, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, R, 9· :But th1s Bleifedrlefs, and Freedom from the Curie of the I aw, is not any Fruit or EffeB:, or confe- .quent o~ ou~ Kn<:>wledg.e, and Apprehenfion of our J u~bficat10n m Chnft: As if we were, before we belteve, bJeifed and fi·eed from the Curie of the Law; becaufe, even the EleB: before they\Jelieve, ~re under the Curie, and are not ble£fed. r. Becaufe they are, before they believe, the Children of Tf!rath, Eph. ii. •· Ergo, They are under the Curfe. 2. Becaufe Paul and the Elea, before they be under Grace and Belief, were under the Law, and fo under Wrath, Rom. vi. 14, I 5, I 6, I 7. Rom. vii. 4· Wherefore, -my Jlt·ethren, :;:e a!fo are ;ecome dead to the La~), by the Jiody ofC!:wi(l, that yejhould be mtrrrietl to another.ver. 5· For "'..xhetJ we <u:erc in the Flefo, tbe A1otio11s of Sins, which w.ere by tbe Law, did c>JJotk in ·our A1embcrs, to bring forth Fruit unto 'lJeatb. ver. 6. 'But no"'i.V ~·e are detivered from the Law, that bein7:, dead wherein cz.ve ·were hetd, <zve /houtd ftrve in NeczvJ7efs of Spirit and 11ot in the OJdne(s (If the Letter: Hence it is dear, that there wa6 a Time in which Paut and the Ele& at Rome were Servants of Sin, Rom. vi. zo, 2 I. Under the Lufts and Mo6ons of Sin· which work in their Members to bring forth Fruit, that is Sins to Death eternal, Rom. vii. 5· 'Ergo, They were then under the Curfe of the Law, and fo far from Ble!fednefs, and the Servants of Sin, Rom. vi. 2\:l, and Per-