r SER· 1-4- Triuwph if Faith: . 363 Perfons in the Flefh: But the Cafe 1s changed, they are now not the Servantsof Sin, butServants ~f Righteoufnefs, Rom. vi. 2.2. Married to a new H ~sbimd .7efi~ s Cbrifl, Rom. vii. 4· W}lence came this Change of two contrary States; J:ea, and before God contrary? (for before God, 1t cannot be one State to be Servants of Sin, under the Law, and Servants of God, and under Grace-:) Certainly from Faith on our Part, or iome ot l-- er Grace in us; at leaft,_ there mufr be fomething of Grace, by which the Alteration from a curfed Eftate, to a bleifed Eftare is made; then Faith is not a naked .Manif~ftacion of the Bldfednefs of Juftification, to the which we were intitled before we bdieved, f<>r before we beli~ved, we were in a curfed Eftate : This a Ho may be added, that if Faith be but a Declaration or Manitdhtion, that we are juftified before we believe; Pattl had noRea ion to deny that we are juftified; that is,that we know to our Comfort, by Works of Holinefs that we are juftified, for Works c;,[ SanB: ification are evident Witneffes that we are in Chrift, and are juftified, z_.Cor. v. q. · I 7ohn iii. 14. I .7ohn ii. 3· _7ames 1i. 24, 25. 2 Pet. i. IO. 3· It lay- · eth down this falfe Ground, that Grace is nothing in us, but a rpere com'ortable Senfe and Apprehenfion of free Love, and Grace is conceived to be only and wholly in Ghrift; {() that there is no. inherent Grace in the Believer, bv which he is d ifferenced from an Unbeliever, Sanctification and · D uties flowing from the Ha hit of Grace, are nothi ng but D(eams of legal Men ; Chrift juitif}inr.x the Sinn~r ts all and icm1e in the- Elt'-5l:: Srri :'l and precife Walking, conduce noth;np, t(} S1l va .. tion • To think tha~ it can 'do atljl .(hi;tg in or Jer. . to.