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3 64 7 he. Trial and SER· 24 to Salvation,. is to worfoip ~faith Mr. :l.Jenne) ~aJt angry :JJetty. 2. To fattsf'Y Yuftice with eur Works, Fajling, '.Lears, Vuties. Therefore our, 6. Propof is, That it is a vain DiftinB:ion of Mr. :Denne, who would have a Reconciliation of God to Man, and of Man to God. I. Becaufe we . read that Man is reconciled to God, Rom v. 1 o. z. Cor. v. 1·8, r 9, 20. Cot. i. 20, u. Eph. ii. I6. Man is the Enemy, whereas in Adam he was a Friend, and in Chrifl the fecond Adam he is made a Frit>nd: But that God is reconciled to Man, or changed toward his own EleB: from an Enemy, and a God that hateth their Perfons, into a Friend ~md Lover of them, I never read ; if at any 1·ime, God be faid to be comforted toward his People; or eafed, thefe are borrowed Speeches. z. Love of Election; yea, the Love that putteth God on work to redeem, call, juftify, fanB:ify the BleB:, is no ' Love bought with Hire; yea, the Price of - Redemption, which Chrift gave for Sinners, cannot buy eternal Love ; ~Blood, and the Blood of God fhed cannot wadfet ancient Love, all the Sins ·of Devils, of Men, cannot forfeit it, make Sin~, Floods and Seas, and ten thouiand Worlds of Rivers, -:hey cannot quench that eternal Coal and Flame in the Breaft of fo free a Lover as God; .in a Word, the Jhed Blood of Chrift is an Effect1 not a Caufe of infinite Lov~. 3· What then, cloth Reconciliation place any new Thi-ng in God ? No, Doth it turn h1m from an Hater to a Lover? No, Recdn(iliation at1:ive on the Lord's Part, is a Change of his outward Difpenfation, not of his mward Affections : Fury is not in me, he faith himielf, Ifa. xxvii. 4• He cannot wax hot and :fiery