SER. 2 4 Triumph of Faith . . 36 5 :fiery · in the AB:s of his fpotlefs a'nd ho1 y Will • Reconciliation turneth not the Heart, but th~ Hand of the Lord, upon the little Ones, as he fpeakerh; fo that he cannot deal with or .puni (h his Elect, as otherwife he would do : Tht Lord's J ufiice may be fatisfied, his Love cannot be bud- 'ded, or hired, and the EffeB: of J uftice, the in~ flitting of infinite Wrath is diverted, as a River that runneth Eaft bath been made to run Weft and an Hfue of Bloo~ in one Member of the Body, hath been diverted to run at another Channel : J uftice wa3 to run through the EieA: of God, in the due and legal punifhing of the Sinner, (which yet is extraneous to the juft and eternal Will 'of God:) but infinite wife Mercy, caufed that River to run in onother Vein, through the Soul of :Jejits Chrift. ' 7· 'Propof. Joy of the Holy Ghoft is a Fruit of the Kingdom of Grace, Rom. xiv. r 7· But not that Joy fpokenof, Rev. 2.1. 4· and/fai. 35· ro. which ' excludet~h all/Tears, Death, Sorrow, Crying, a U Sighing, as Mr. 'IJenne dreameth, fc) as Joy can no more be feparated from •toe SubjeB:s of that Kingdom, than Light from the Sun, Heat from the Fire, or Ebbing· and Flowing can be ftopped in Waters, as he fa~th, far lefs_ is)t true, that aftual Love and Obedtence doth tmeparably ' follow this Conditiqn, except we were made Angels, when we are once juHified; nor is the Kingdom of God fpoken of, 1 Cor. vi. 9, I o. and the feeing -of God, Heb. 1 2. ,I 4· The Kingdom or State of Grace, or the Seeing of God in a Vi.Gon of Faith here in this Lif~, (out of the Kingdom of Glory, at1d of the l7ifion of God ir~ the other Lite) as Mr. 'JJenne expoundeth it, that he may dude all 1\e-