'i ' ' I 1 I ' ••I I I ' l I I. '• ' I ' 366 T~e Trial and SER.14 )\'eceffity· of Holmefs, but that wh;ch floweth from no Obligation of any l,aw or Commandment of God, but w hi eh is in Ollr Power of Love to perform or not perform ; if we perform it not 'tis no Trani!zreffion of any Law of God. ' 1. Mt. '.l)e;me bjmfelf granteth, Pag. 84. God is not like fome niggard~v Man, 1vl~o 'i.P.:itl not bid us welccme to kis Hou,fe, unlifs "lve if'ring our Coft with us: Nor 1s J;Iolinefs required of us without Faith, and before we believe and·cnter Citizens of the_ Kingdom of Grace: Nay, by this Interpretatwn, 1 Cor. 6. vVe muft be jnftified and wafhed before we can inherit this Ki'np,dom, •ver. 9, 1 o, 1 I. but we are not to be wafl1ed 'and juirifi~d before we inherit the Kingdom of Grace, and before we believe; for fo we fhouJd be juftififd, and wafhed before we be jnfl:ified-and ·wa fl1ed ; and the like I f~y of the Kingdom rf Gcd, John iii. 3· For it fhould follow, That a Man ,mui1: be born again, ere he be born again, if he muft be born again erf> be enter a Subjet1 of tht> Kingdom of Grace: Nay., not any fuch Condition can go be· .fore Man's Reconciliation to God. Propo{. 8. Chrift can· love dearly, and tempt roughly both at once. I. His I ove confifteth not in a taking his C~urch into his ~ofom, and a continual, and never mterrupted laymg of ht>r hetween h1s Breails; yea, Tempting Bowerh from the Love ,of God, nor is it any Act of J t1itice; yra, to ta~: V.enne01nce on the Inventions of his PcropJe (fanifyin;; J uftjce he cannot exerce toward his Flecr; yet ~ ptmi.fh]n~ and cortecring J u_fiicc, h.~ m~)', and doth put forth on them) hut It hat1'1 Jt~ RJie from Love; aU the VVheeh of CreePs DiipenJ:woq, fw{et or fown:, are roll'd upon this Axle-nee of · free