SER· 24 Triumph of Faith~ 3·67 •free Love, the Bowels of Chrift, aB:, mo-ve, t!nd breathe all Difpenfiuions to the Saints through no other Pipe and Channel, but free and tender Compaffion, fo as Mercy is an immediate Actor; when the Lord is wafting his Church with bloody Wars: And (which is wonderful) Mercy is Chrift's Armour Bearer, and Mercy immediarely killeth, even when :JJeath ctimbeth in at the lif/indows, and enters into the Houfe of the 'Believer, either in a Peftilence known to come from no Creature, or fecond Cauf~ ~ or in the raging Sword, when the Carca.fles 0-j Men fall as, 2Jung in the open Field, and as the Handfut after the Harveft .iltfen, and there be none to bury them. J~r. ix. 21, 22.. 2. Tempting Mercy is wife Mercy; it were not a tempting Mercy, if we faw all the Secrets of Love, and the Reafons why the Lord bkitdeth Zion '"'.Vith Jitood; even the Elect, and beloved of God, though they be. in Chrifi:'s Court, they are not always upon his Counfel, .7ob. xiii. i· Many are within the Walls of the Palace, that an~ not in the King's Parlour, and taken into his Houfe of Wine. The Love of Chrift bath its own Myfteries, and unknown Secr~ts, as why one Sa~nt is led to Heaven, and to Mens Eye, The CaJJdJe... flick' of the Atmi[!,hty jhineth on his Tabernacle~ and he wajhetb his Step.~ in Oit: He is rieh, holy, profperous; and another no lefs de~r to Chrift,. never laugheth while he be within the Gates of Heaven, but eateth the Bread of Sorrow all his . Days; his Face never drieth while he be in Glory, .is a Secret of Heaven. The Love of Chrii1: is often vailcd and covered, and we know not what he meatteth, but he hafteth to !hew !dercy. Ufe.