368 . 7'he 'Trial and SER: 24 U(e. Thts fho~ld make us very charitable of Chrdl: when he trowneth, and covereth himfe]f with a Cloud, and very inclinable to_! ardon (if ~may ro fpeak) rough and bloody D1fpenfadons 1n Ch~Jfl: : I~e Joveth, ... a~d he bloodeth, fcourgeth, and gtvt th h1s ·own Chtld a Cup of Gall -and 'Wormwood: Could we in Silence believe 'tis Chrifi with two Garments on him at once, Chrift cloathed with Love,wrapted in the unfecnl\Jyftery of Tendernef'> of Compaffion, and y~t his upper Garment is Vengeance, and rolled in Blood, we ihould kiiS the Edge ofChrifi's bloody Sword; fo we are to believe: For Ija lxiii. I. Chrift at one Time travelleth in tJJe Greatnejs of his Strent;th, and fpeaketh in Righteoufoe(s, and is m~e;hty to fave ~ And at the fame Time his upper Garment is Jllor:d: It is true, jr is the Blooct of his Enemies; but it is often the Blood of the Children of his own Houfe and San.:l:uary, Ez.{k ix. 6. r Pet. iv. 17. And what more concern.:-th us, tl1an tq kee.p our £rft Love to Chrift? ~- he'n he multi.- plieth our Widon..vs in the tbree Kingdoms, as the Sanrl of the Sea, and briny:.eth againfl the Mother of the foung Afen, a Spoiler at Noon-.da}', Jer. 1 5· 8. This Woman fi:ayeth on her Watch- . tower, and now the Vifion ipeaketh Mercy to her: Say they were' Injuries that ·~~rifr infli\t·et~1 (wh~ch is a hla.fphe-mous 1mpoffibdJty) yet 1t 1~ Chnft, jt is the Lord, let him do what 1eemeth gooa to you: The abfoluteLibertvoftbePottercloieth theMouth oftheClay-vdfel, ifitcouU fpeak,Rcm.ix. That Unbel1ef barh no Rea{on td fiomach and difput.e againfi:Hell'sFire coming from him,wl;o ~ath abfoluteDomjnion over us: As Devils and wrcked Men burn in Hell with ct~rnal fretine 'againft Gcd f?r the1r