Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

.~gE~. 2 ~- · . '!riumph of Faith · . ·~ 6~ thetr<Pam ; fo, tf It were poffible, that the Elett and Regenerate wel're thrown into Hell, they are to !'lave eternal Charity and Love to the holy and juft Lord, and to believe hiS. eternal Love. S E R M b N. XXV. BE it unto thee as thou 1t1ilt.j genetieto fo~ 'Tis a Word of Omnipotency, to create Being. 'Tis fpoken of Satan, and to Satan, Mqrk ix. 2)'. Luke iv. 35· 2. None can fpeak to Leprofy but Chrift, JIIatth. viii. 3· Luke iv. 39· Jle thou clea_n. 3· Chrift can · fpeak to {l:a.rk _ D~ath, .7ob XI. 43· a11d John xi. z8. . 7.efus cr~ed wtth a loud Voice, Laz..arus, come forth... 4·•. He can fpeak to Life, l1z abflraElo; £zek. xxxv11. 9~ Lome from the four Winds, 0 briatl:J, and breatl{e upon the{e flain, tbat they may tive._ 5· GpJ ·can (peak to Mother Nothing, as if Nathinr, had Ears and Reafon, and could hear, Ront. iv. i i • He calleth :1/Jings that are mt, as th.eugh they were: He did but nod upon 'Nothing, ana out of 1{othin7, there compeared before him, 'ihe great Hofl of.. !-leaven. _qnd Earth, an4 a_ll :fhing_s i~ them, I?fal. xxx111. 9· 6. There 1s a Lang-Jage ot Providence, by w bier every Being, as Bei12g, hath a Power obediential to hear what God ia1th, and do it, .7on. iU I o. 'I he Lotd (pake to the rijh, and it vomited out .7onah,on1 t !Je dry La_nd, Mark. iv·. 39· · Antl he rofe ancl rebuked the Wtnc!,. , [epetimefe to anemo] and fairJ unto the Sea, Peace, be flill; and the TVind ceafecl, and there . ' was a ·1.,reat Catm: What wife Man can boaft rh~ -sea? What Ears bath the fentelefs and Iifdefs A a Wat~:rs?