Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

'370 The Trial and SEa·; 25 Waters? Yet they hear Chrift's Language, they fpeak, Tonder flandeth our Creator boajling us, and therefore we wilt obey, Ifai. 1. :z.. Hear himfelf fpeak: Yl_ehokJ, at m)' Rebuke,. Ldry up the. Sea, Pfal: cxtv. There ts a OEeftlOn put upon , the Creatures, that they can well anfwer, ver. v. What aikth thee, 0 thou Sea, tkat thou fieclrJefi? crhou .7or1an, that thou waft·rlriven backc·warrJ? Ver. 6 What aitef/ you ye Mountaim, that ye skipped like Rams, and ye little Hilts like Lambs? Good l,{.eafon faith the Spirit: verfe. 7. :r'remble thou Earth, at ·the Prefence of theLorrf, at the Prefence of the God of .7acob: This obediential Power is not any QEality created in the Creature different from thc:ir Being, for God may ufe any Creature to infinite Effe6s of Ornnipotency; and fo there fuould be infinite created QEalities in every, finite Creature. 2. This obediential Power was in that Mother Nothing, out of which, God, 'by an omnipotent AC1: of Creat ion, extraCted all the Hoft of Creatures that now I are; and 'tis in that other Mother Nothing, yet objeCted to Omnipotency; according to which God may creat~ infini~ moe Worl~s than now are, fo it pleafe htm: 'Tts then nothmg but a non-repugnancy to hear and obey God in thefe Particular~ : As, I. Omnipotency of itrong Grace q.n fpra~ to Sin, which none can do but God, Ezek. .xv1, 6. I faid to thee, when thof1 •waft in thy !JioorJ, Live: This Mandate of Omntpotent Grace ts fpolcen to :Jerufatem, as hardned & cold, in Sin, · Eph. v. 14. Wherefore he faith, Awake, th~u that jleepeft, ant! arife from the '1JearJ, anrJChrt{C jhatl give thee Light: This is a Command~ent of Omnipot~ncy, given ou.t of finful Rebelhon 1 f