SER 2 ). 'Triumph of Faith. · 3 7 i 1f Omnipoten:y fi{;, .see '"~·e blinJ, Hear ye :lee!/: Grace is a Kmg over Sm, and Ornntpotency ~ mighty Conq•1eror: Rebellion ~annot iland before, the Grace of Gqd; could we refign rebellious ancJ. dead Hearts to God, he lhou1d change them, tho~ we be moft unable to mafter them. ~. Meer 1Vothine; is a Servant to Omnipotency: He iendeth his Mandate or Statute of Heaven to meer Nothin,[!,. and Darknefs as the ~rjeant and Puriuivant of God, m nfi: fend out Li1 ght, by Virtue of a creating Mandate, z Cor. iv. 6. 3· Every Creature is under the ·Awe of Omnipotency, and dar~ not without (as it were) a written 4nd figned Ordina'nce and Statute of the Almighty,._ exercife their natural Operations.: As the Lord fendeth an ~wful Mandate to the Sea, and Gocl faith. Do not ebb and flow; and the' Sea is dried up at his Rebuke, :Pfat. lxxvii. I 6. The 'fVatefs (aw thee, 0 Gocl, the Waters jM-v thee, they 'JVere afraicl. $o faith he, Jif/incls htow nor, Seas rage not, Fire burn not, Lions cle'l.Jour not, Sun move t;ot, Ctoucls rain not, 'L'evits. hurt not, JIVaters overwhelm not, Swore!, Ve(lroy 110t: And they all o~ey. 4· The>re is a Pmirer obediential in Creatures, to {1e Infiruments, that can be elevated above, and con• trary to their Nature to Miracles, ~s Clay to be a .Plaifier to blind Eyes, to make them fee, whereas Clay can put ,out feeing Eyes: By this Iron can fwim, Perer walk in the Sea ; yea, Devil~ aud. Men croffing God's moral Will, tulfil his eternal CounfeJ, according to that, P_{at. cl{ix. 91 •. Alt are thy Ser-vants, Hett, :IJevils, Cavaliers, Matii,nan-~s, Papifts, are God's Servants. 5. By this Power, whereas Nature mufi: have Time and Hours to work, yet Nature followeth the fwift A a ~ :P~cc