Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

'37 i . '!1 ht Trial ana SER; 2 >' Pace ~f Ommpo~ency~ ~he Feaver departeth from Peters Mother In Law tn an Inftant. 6. By this Power, Creatures creep into Nothing, when God commandeth them fo to do: God putteth his Arm to the HPji ven, and fhaketh it, and the Hangings Pillars, Vvalls, Plenilhing of the Houfe of Hea~ ven and Earth, panta alyomena, are all diffolved; all the old Tenants of theWorld, the Heavens, which have fttten in God's . Houie 5000 Years, at the firft Warning of their Almighty Landlord, muft remove and retire into Nothing, if God fo command them. Ufe I. It is Comfort to the Believer ail Thingi a~e poffible; Faith bath Omnipotency at its S~rVJce, the. Sword and War~ are gone, the Enemies of the Lord broken, the Temple built, Yiabylon plagued at the Nod of Faith, Devils cannot ftand, when Chrift's Mandate chargeth them to fall. Ufe z. It is but little that we can do, hav~ Hofts of Men, we cannot have the Vitl:ory: Let Man be fwift, ye; the Race is not to the Swift; let him b~ ftrong, :Yet the Yiattle is not to the Strong; let him be wife and learned, Neitber is Ylrt!acf to the wife, nor yet ]J..iches to Men 6j Uncfer(lancfing, Ecclef. ix. 1 I. 1. The Word of the Almighty is his Deed alfo, PfaJ. xxxiii. 9· He fpake, anrl it was rlone, be commanded, afl(l it florJcf fafl; [Ki hu amar ujehi] For he himfetj jpake, and it was. The Lord's Word giverh .Being to Things: On the col!trary ~eo's Deeds.are nothing butWorps; 'fo the Ltves, Bemg andAcbons of the J{ings of J(raet anrJ .'fucfah, are called [Vibrebafomim] Wor<ls of '.ZJays. They are the AB:s and Deeds t>f Men living and dying, and compa!fed with Days; for the Deeds and AB:s of Men are but Words, they Ii ve and fpeak a little on ' &~