Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

~'14. "(he Trial ttnd . . SEa. zs pr.<1mtfed tb_e Contrary, tu eftahltlh htm and his Ktngdom, io he would do what is right in 1 he jig~t cf the J ord, .t Kings xi._ 37, 38. But he belteved, th~t God, m theLlfillmg ot his Promite muft 'depend upon the Calves iet up at '.Lan and 2let~et: S.o th~ J~ws will have God in the preiervmg ot the1r Kmgdom ant Place, .'f(;hn xi. 48. to depend upon ·the finful murthering of the Lord of Gtor;y; yea, we imagine. that God cannot carry on the V\- ork of Reformation, except we comp,1y with fc.)me iort of Anticbrijlian '.l'retate: The King thinketh he cannot be a ,Monarch, extept he have a Prer.ogative to play the Tyrant, and his Throne muft fafl, except the Antichrtft and ..Blood, and 1un1awful Peace with the bloody Jrijh .lf/11wderers, and deftroying of the Lords redeemed Flock in b0th Kingdoms, h~ the bloody Pillars 6t his 1. hrone and Royal Power. So God cansot ia ve us, if France, :JJenn1arl?., Spain and Ireland come againfl: thefe Kingdoms ; we are fo wafted, except we make a Peace difhonourable to .7efus Chri(l., and ·his Prerog; tive Royal ; all this is to place God in a State ot Dependency ; we are too wickedly careful how Go,d fhall acquit hfmfdf in his Office ot governing the Vv crld ; ere you or I ~ere, born, the Lord governed rhe World, and h1s Church without a Mi:fCarry (the Cburch's Heaven cannot be marr~d in Ch~ift's Hand) and whfn we are rNten in the Duit, he .fhall carry on all in Rightebuinefgand Vv iidom ; but we take it ill, if we ~ tannot have a Providence as fair and eye-iweet as ~bite Paper, though indeed there be ~ot one Bpot m God's Ways ; io .~~1artha , .7oh11 x1. 21. Ir;d, if thou badfl been ·herp my brotl:er bad not dted. But