Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

Smt 2) Triumph of Faith. 37\ But Chrijl-God in preferving Lives, dependeth 'not ,on his own bodily Pr~fence here or there; Another complaineth, God bath forgotten me_, he is not my God. Why ? :Becaufe I walk in :JJarknefs, and have no Lir,ht, nor any Senfe of his Love. It is the I? lack and dead Hour of Jl.1idnight, with me. So the Church argueth lja. :xlix. 14, I 5• Pfitl. 'lxxvii. v. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9· But his unchangeable Love depends not on the Ebbing and flowing of your tranfient, and up and down Senfe: In this you worihip a dependent God. There is no Rule without God to regulate him or yet to ftraiten him in his Walking ; we are' not to mifplace God; for though the · God of Hojls bath purpofed to Jlain (Lechallel] to ca.ft a :Blot on, and prophane ,the Pride of att Glory, Ifa. , xxiii. 9· and fuffer Parliaments, Affemblie~, Armies, Councils ofWar,States-men, the Godly, the Princes, Judges, Paftors, Men ofWifdom, Learning, Eloquence, Parts, to mifcarry in this great Serv1ce. againft JJabylon; lt is to cry down the Creatures Garland, and the Rofe of their Eminency; that when all Spots ofSacrilege and Idol-con- , fidenceioMen, are wafhedo.ffthe Work, the Lord only may be exalted. It is our Wifd,om to fuffer God to be wife for us : ,Yea, Antinomians will have Chrift no jndepedent Redeemer; but to them his Grace !hall not be perf~a in pardoning, except all Sin in Root and Branch be removed from the J uftified, and they made as ftnlefs as A dam before hjs Fall, and the 'Eie8 Angels: Yea, how many Connections of Providence do we fpin and twift out of our own Head? As how happy had · we been, it the King had remained with the Parl iament to countenance it ? Yea, but rather how A a 4 un- 1 I •