Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

378 . The Trial and Sm. 2 5 a Gift of free Grace (to fp,eak fo) than the Grace of Faith, which is given to thote who hear rind are ~umbled_ fur Sin. _And ~hrift given to die for Smners, is a ~ore Imme~tare and pure Gift ofGrace, than Remtffion of Sms and eternal Life which are given to us upon Corfdition of Faith' whereasa Redeemeris given to die for us without any Condition,_ Thought, Ddire, any fweating or Endeavour m Man o~ Angel. 2. So is Grace, give~ out of Grace, favmg Grace is mlde out of nothtng, not out ofthe Potency of the Matter. The ne1p Heart is' a Crea6on; & as 'tis Grace, is framed wi thout Tools, Agents, Art or Service ; Grace iffi1eth immediately out of Chrift's ,Heart, he bath no Hire, no Payment for it: Non-payment, no Money is Grace's Hire. 3· And !leaven is given, nor by Art, not by Merit, not for fwearing; but how? , Luke xii. 32. ' :lis the Father's wilt. And Rev. :. r. 4· God jhatt wipe all tears from t heir Eyes. 'Tis the iweeter, that no Napkin, b ur his own immediate Hand, 1hall wipe my finful Face. In Heaven the Vifion of hi~ that fitteth t1pon the Throne is immediate, the Mirrour or Look- :ing-glafs ~>f Word ' a.~~ Sacraments ~eing rcmm·- ed, there ts, 1 Cor: xm. 12. but a V 1fion of God. :Fare to Face, Rev. :xxi. 22. And I Jaw no Tem~ ple therein. Ifany fhould ask Tidings, and fay, 7o!Jn what fa weft thou in that new City ? was thne 'any Templ.:', any Priefts, any Prophets, any Candlefticks there ? He Ih.oltld anfwer, 0 you know not what yqu fpea.k; I faw no Temple there; I iaw a . more glorious Sight than all the_Te~ ples of the Earth ; I faw the Lamb the Kmg In the midft of them ; I finv Chrift the Fountam of Hea·