g3o ne. 7'rialmtd . " SER.• 2 f ~tely; for!." fee In the h?~Y Languag(", is to enr.joy,_Heb. xu. 14. Rev. xxu. 4· .{er. xvii. 6. Pf. xxx1v. I z. •• ?ob. xix. z.6. A:nd then He jhewei me, mufl: I» this tn good Sen!e, He, He the increatel King !Jinzjeif mar:Je me, or caufed me to enia'Y. Me!fengers carry Love-letters between the Lord Jefus, and ' the Jirirfe the Lamb's wife in this Condition: Certain it i~ a Dt·aught offuch Water at the Well-head mufr be fweeteft; then immediate Comforts in a heavy C'..ondition, muft be 1\~eeteft alio ; as in heavy Defertions, Word, Mi- ~ufhy, Paftors,Pra yer and Ordinances cannot raife t1.p the Spit'tt: What doth the Lor.d elfe fpeak in this ? No lefs, than that Mediation of Mean.s is hut Mediation of Mea~s; and Chrift is Chrift : . Means in a Soul Sickne&, yea, Apojlte.r, Angels, P/atchmen fail ; but Chrift himfelf, with his immediate .Aetion, faileth not, Cant_. iii. r, z, 3· 4· '7obn XX. 8, 91 IO, 111 , 12, 13, 14, 1), 16, 17. Ch~·ift himfel f, immediately by himfdf, will do jn a ·Moment, that which all Me·1 ns, all Ordinan- ~ . ces, <'lll Sweatirw~, all Endea vour.s cannot do: I do not .now cry d~~n Means, & extol immediate Infpiration.~; the Law~~, I 2eny not i~ i.<)me Cair~, but I only co~p_a re 'Mcai1: c.nd ~hrlft ; and IS not this an .Expenence of fome who are hrought to ' the Margin, and black Borders of !feH ~nd defpairing, an Crean~res Com~orts havmg f2Iled them, and they havmg re~e1ved the Se~tence of the fecond Death: · Yet Chrifi: cometh wnh an immediate G1impfe, like~ a Fire fl~ught in 3he Air which lerteh the loft .and bewildered 1 ravdJ~r in an extreme dark Night iee a Looging at Hand, whereas otherwife he fhould have _fallen in a Pit, and loft himfelf; and in a l\1oment, m. the twmk·