Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

!fR. 2 5 'triumph· of Faith; -, 8 i twinkling ofan Eye, the Lord having rebuked the Winds and the itorrny Ternpefis in th~ Soul; There i:~ a Calm and ·.P~ace, Pf xxxi. :. z. 7onah , ii. 4· Chrift is fpeedy, and fwift as a Roe; his Leap is but a S~ide over a whole Mountain at once, over many 'Mountains €:$ Hilts, Cant z; 8. .. Efpecially in his irnme<liates, when he comforts by himielf; he then maketh no Ufe of a depu· ty Sun to Shine, or of borrowed Light ; the Sun hirnfdf rifeth with his own immediate S~l vation, and -his own immediate Wing~; and we fee itwas Chrift's immediate Lov~, yea comfort ; becaufe immediate carrieth with it the Heat and· Smell of Chrift's own Hand, it hath the immediate Warmnefs of Chrift's Bofom-confolation ; it was an Aa: of tender ,Mercy that came hot and fmoaking from the Heart of Chrift, the immediate coal of Love frnetling of. ·the Perfume of the Hearth 'it came laft from, and that was Heaven, and the Bowels of Chrift. Waters. carried from a pt~ecious Fountain in a VeJI'el many hundred Miles are not 1o fweet-as at the Well-head, be-caufe they are fepara~ed from , the. Foun!ai!', ~hey lofe much of their V 1rtu~ ; fomettmes, It IS io }Qng fince the Rofe was plucked, that the colour -and fmell which it bad, while it grew, on its own Stalk, is quire gone : Look how inferior Art (which is but Medicme for fick Nature) is to Nature in its .Beauty a Strength, (as painted Phyfick can neither purge nor cure) io far are all Means and Ordi· nances (being but the Deputies of Chrift) below Chrift himfelf. Paul? What lS Apot. Jos? Put all the Prophets, all the Apoftles, all the Patriarchs, all the chiefeft ofSaints in one -Flower ; I confefs they ihould caft forth an excellent , Smetl,