'g8~- , The Trial and SER: 2s Smell, like the outer Borclers of the Garden of the big~ Paradife, but all their E~cellency fhouJd be rnedtate Excellency, and but iomewhar of Chrift bltt alas, as low as very nothing t•> Chrift, a-;; th~ ·finalldl: Drop of Dew t~ar Senie can apprehfnd, to ten thouiand VV or lds of Seas, Fountains and Floods: We defraud our Spirits of much iweet~ nefs, becaufe we v.o no further in our Ddires than to Creature E~cel1ency, we reft on mediat~ Comforts, becau1e mediate; painted Things do work but objedively, only a painted Meadow cafterh no Smell, a painted Tree bringeth forth no Apples ; the Comfi>rts and f weetnefs of the ereatures have fomewhat of Paintry in them, in ' Comvarifon of Jefits Chr~fl; all ReaEty, and Truth of Excellency is in him: And we know God marreth the borrowed Influence of Means. Armies, Parliaments, Learning, and all mifcarry; therefore there was never a Reformation, nor a great Work wrought on Earth; but Omnipotency put forth many immediate Atls in it: The Lord would not be beholding !O Mo res, he him(etf divided the reJ Sea; he would not <mgage htm· felf to Fountains and Vine Trees, but he y;a'".!e them Water fJUt of the Rork ; he would not bor· row from the Earth, and fowing, reaping and · plowing Bread for his .Peoples Food, h~ wo?ld givP the'!## the Jlread of Angels from ~eaven Imrnedi,Hely: He ,would have .no Engmes at the taking of .7ericho, the blowmg ?f Ra~s Horns was a Sir.:n not a Caufe ; G'od lmmedJately caft down th~ 'Walls ; he would not have a Sword drawn, ·nor a drop M Blood f1 1ed in the Peopks Return fi·om Yiabyton ; but the Lord puttt·th an immediate Impl1lfion upon the Spirit of C_J'rl!S, as