SsR. 2 5. '(riumpb 4 Faith 3 8i as if he had been m a dead Sleep, and he beinl! 1, awaked by ~od only, fender~ the Peor.le away: and the Temple muft be budded agatn : But how ? Neither by King nor Parliament, nor Armies ; for Zach. it. 6. Not by mir,ht, nor by Power, but by my Spirit, faith the Lord : '/11 hen :Babyton is to be deftroyed ( as the Work is even now on the Wheels in :Britain) Rev. xviii. 21. A mighty Angel took up the great Milftone, an<l threw it in the Sea ; though it be a Vifion by . Comparifim, yet it holdetli forth an immediate \Vork of God in the Ruin of Jlabylon, and Angels pour their Vials on the Sea, on the Sun, on the River Euphrates, to make fOr the Deftruel:ion - of·Jlab;ylon; and in delivering of Lot Angels did Work : God himfdf fpake to Noah for making an Ark; although Angels be Creatures, yet the Lord's AB:ion by them is more immediate, than when he worketh by natural Cauies. When the Judges fcourg~ and imprifon the Apoftles, no Man will fpeak for them, the immediate Power of God doth it, the .Ohains fall off Legs and ..(\rms ; immediate Providence is ·a Key alfo to open the Prifon Doors, and they are fa ved. There is a bloody vVar at the takiNg of the Ark, and Thirty thoufand Footmen of Jfrael killed, I Sam. ' iv. 1 o, 1 I.' But there is not a Sword drawn when its refcued : The Ark cotlleth Home its alone, God's immediate Providence driveth and a8eth upon two Milch Kine to bring it home again, I Sam. vi. I z, I 3, 14. Who knoweth but when our Strength of two Kingdoms hath failed us, the Lord JhaU make Kine to bring Horn~ his Kingdom and Reformation ,to our Boors ? were it poffible that Creatures could work s~Jv.ation fm· UE'~ I