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·3~4 - The Trial and SEa: l 5 us, and Freedom from the Sword, .and fure Peace inSrotland, Etzglan4 and Ireland, without God or any fubordination to him, let it be a Deliver~nce · from the Creature only, it Jhould be no Deliveranee bntaCurfe; that which makethSalvationto beSalvation, is, that God~hath a.Fi~ger of Power, and .an Influence of ft"ee Grace m 1t: 0 but this putteth the Luthe, Sweetnefs and Smell of Heaven en it, that it is the Salvation of th~ Lord, Exod. xiv. I 3· In Regard of irrefifrable Efficacy, and Succefs under Caufes, though chained. to the Influ- ·ence of God, are but ldol-caufes, they lie as Cyphers, and do nothing, no more than a lame Arm can mafter a Sword: The Lord worketh alt our· 1Vorks for us; and he is daily marring, and !hall · further mar our Armies, Parliaments, Councils, Undertakings, to the End, that more of Chriit mav appear in thefe War'), than in other War3; fon,;e immediate Power muft clofe and crown this glorious Work in !iritain, God muft be his alone,. and appear his alone, and only .7ehovah muft be vifib]e in the Mount, to the End that bleeding England, lon_g affiicted ScotJ!f.nd, and wafi~d Ir;- land, may wtth one Shout cry, ·Not unto us, C?· Lord, Not unto us, but unto thy Name be Glory. This difcovercth the Deceit of our Confidence, ' when the Lord and the Creature workerh together for our Good; A fa, though hi~ Heart was perfecr, poffiply feeth not whether he trttfl ~n the Lord, or on the Phyjician; and yet the Scripture ·f.1ith, When he ~was difeafed in his Feet, thrre ·was a worn~ Difeafe about his Heart: For betaufi he fought. to t!Je ']J~y(icia ns, he is bla~r-~d_; yet to fee-k to Phy.6c1ans 1s. htwfui, but the ~pmt tJf God his feekmg to the Phvfic1ans : · And