Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEtt. 2) . Triumph of Faith ~ B f And iairh, z. Chron. xv1. 12. f{e fou<_ht not the . Lord in /(!i-5 Sicknefs, and the Rea1on is given {Ki] Jlecaufe he ·7.f'aS in rhe PhJ:fi.:ians :So the Hebre-w readeth it, [ lo :J.Jrtrajh eth .7ehovah] he is faid, not to {eek tbe r orrl, not becaufe hef(moht to tht> Phvficiam, forrhar had not been a fin, bQt becaufe he ,was wholly, the whole Man, Soul and all in, or o.n tbe 'Pl'Jficians, [Ki Jiidca.fim] his Care, Pains and Heart, was all on the Phyficians; fo ~llfo the Greek t>xprefs gFe~t Care and Dili- 1 • gence by the .like Phrafe,I Tim. iv.15. en toutois ithi Give th_,v(etj to thefe fhi ngs. Seldom do we feek _to God, and truft in him, when God and the Creature are yohd rogerher . in a Work that we are much bent upon, a~ in Wars, in a Reformation, yea, in a Journey that the Spirit is in· tent u_pon ; but in trufting on God~ we interpofe a foldtng,.and a play of the Creature betwe.:n our ,Soul Confidence anq the Lord, juft as a Pillow .is put between the Man's Shoulder and a preffing Burden, for Fear the Burden crufh a Bone; we ~m.: afi·aid we give God too filUCh to do, or more than he is able to bear: 'When we {ail, we feem to betruft our{dves to the Lord and the Sea ; but the Truth is, often 'I'Je trufi: more tc1 the fhong Ship ~ than totheSea ortheLord. OurConfidencefhiftetb idelf from under the Lord, .on upon the Creature and the Arm of Flefh ;· io we wa1koften in the ftrength ofthe Lord, as fome walk upon k ..., they -walk foftly and timoroufly upon it, fearing .it 1hould break under them, -they put no Fa1rh upon cracking and weak lee :\'~~le are not daring anct , venturous in cafting ourldves ar.d ou.: 1/.;.;.- det;5 en the I,()rd. · ,---7, B b I I