Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

8 The Trial and SERM. ~ 'the Father that fent me. Rom. r 5. 3· For evm CJ.:rift pteafed ~10t himfelj: 'Tis a Sign of Con~ormJty with Chrtft~ when we have a W1ll fo morufi~ ed~ as it d1>th ly level with God's Providence. Aarw/s Sons are .killed, and that by God immediately from Heaven with .fire, a Judg111ent very Hell~like, Lev. 10. 3· Ancl Aaron held his P~ace, a Will lying in the Duft under God~s Feet, fo as I can fay, (Let bis Will, whofe am, ena8 ta thro<zv me in Hell, he jhall have my Vote) is very like the Mother-rule pf <dl [flnchfied \J. ills, ~ve;n like Chrifl:'s plyable Will. There is no Iron-finew in Chrift's vVtll, it was eafiely broken, the Top of God's Finger with one Touc,:h, broke Chrjfi's Will, lfeb. 1 o. 9· Lo, I come to do thy fifi'ilt, 0 God. 0! but there is a hard Stone in our Will, the ftony Heart is the ftony Will; Hell cannot break the Rock and the Adamant, and the Flint in our, win,. 1 Sam. 8. r 9· Nay, but 'We wilt have a King.; whether God will or no, .7er. I 8. 12. God's Vv ill fLmdeth in the.Peoples Way, bidding them return~ They anfwei', 'There is no Hope, but <zve ~viU ·7~atk ttftr:r our o:zvn 'lJevices. Hell, Vengeance-, Omnipote-ncy croifrd Pharaoh's Wil~,.but it would neither bow ncr break, Exorf. 9· 2 7· Yiut the Lorr/ b"1nJned Pharaoh's Heart, thaJ be ~ou!J not let the People go. There be two Things in our Will, r. The- natural Frame and ConHitution of it. 2, The GcodnefS of it. The Will of Angels and . of fintefs AJam is not dfentially Good, for then Angels could never have turned Dn·ils ; theref<)re- th~ Conftitution oftheWiJl needeth fi.lpervenicntGocdnds, and confirminfJ Grace, even when Will is at its heft. Grace, G;ace now is the only Ovl to our ,~Vheel~. Chri!t bath taken the CaiUe, borh fnworks