Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

Triumph of Faith. S E R M 0 N XXVI. ~. 1 BB e't unto thee as thou <z.vt'tt.] We fee wha~ Power Chrift hath over the Devils: Chrift 1ent him an invifible Summons, Let Satan be gone, ancl he muft be gofle. It is a proper Work of Chriit to oppofe Satan, Heb. ii. 14. He took part of Fte:fb and :Btood, ina katurgeje that he mi.~·ht make Satan unpro /itabte and idtt~ and fruitlefs, as the Word is ufed, Luke I 3· 7. IVhy dot!J this Fruitte{s free keep the Ground fapte{s and Yiarren? So is the Word taken, to make a Thinr;; of no E..fFd1, Rom. iii. 3· Things that make Sport to Chi1dren, as Nllts, Feathers, Toys, are called, Things of ln/'anrs to be put away, r Cor. q. 11.So bath Chrift taken Bones,andSap, and Strength from the Devil, iand made him as fruitlefs-, :lS the Feathers that ferveth to fport Child'1·en, I Job. iii. 8. ,For this the Son of God was manifefled, ina ty{e that he m~e;ht dij]otve the T¥orks of the 'lJevit : The Word i!l Scripture, is a{cribed to the cafting down bf a l!oufr, :Job. ii. 19. To the breaking o( a Ship, ABs 2 7 41 .To the loofing ~ny out of Chains,,48s 2 2. 30. The Truth is, Saran's \Vo;ks _of :fin, and Hell in the which he had involved the redeemed World, wa.s a Priion . Hou1e, and a 1 Caftle ot Strength, and a :fhong War-fhip, and many ftrong chains of fin and Mifery. Cl'lrift was manifefl:ert to break down and diffi)lve the Houfe, to break his War-fhip, and to fet the Captives at Liberry, Jfa. lxi. I, 2. Joh. 14. , 30. And no.,:zv com.etb the Priw:e ofthis 1Vortd, and bath nothing in me, he had much in Cbrijl, he had all his redeemed Bb z. One~