Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

§88 7he Trial and SEa. 26 Ones by Reafon of Sin ; but Chrifr took all from him : Sine~ C_hrift came in the Play, and w,as mafter of the F1elds, Satan never did profper: And confider how eafily Chrift cloth it, with a meer Word, Let it be; how was this, Chrift fent . an immediate Mandate of Dominion, he bath an i~mediate Oper~ti?n upon thefe invifi~le'lts of Darknefs ; 1t 1s no Matter how Chnfl: do 1t, fo it be done: Chrift-God is a Spirit, and how a Spirit acts upon a Spirit, is to be believed, rather than fearched : But Chrift hath thefe Relations to Satan. I. As· God to all Crt'atures, and thus Satan is the Workmc1nfhip of God, as he is a fpirit; fo whatever partal<:eth of JJeing, is the ade.. quate and confummate Effea of Onmipotericy, I mean, Jleing ejrber poffib]e or actual, and fo the Motions of Angels from Place to Place, and of Devils, muft be under a Chain of Omnipotency, as all other Things, Motions, and Actions of the Creature are :Let Satan go whither he pleafe, Chrift traceth him. z. Chrift bath the ' R elation ofa Judge to Satan, and io he is· tied in an invi fible Chain of Juftice: And as Malefactors that are permitted to go Abroad, but always with Attcn- • caFJCe ; fo do Devils trail a bout with them ever~ Iafting Chains of Blacknefs of Darkne~, J!tde "Ver. 6. Whitherfoever the Devil go, Chrift hat ,a Keeper at his Back. . ;. Chrift hat~ a ~elation of a Conqueror to Satan, and Satan lS h1s tal(en ., Captive, Cot. ij. 1 5,. He cannot be loo fed fi·om lm: aer Chrift, either by Ranfom, or Change of PrF foner. 4· ,Chrift as the Heir ofaU 'Ihings bea?'- ~th. u_p att by his might.Y H'Ord, Heb. i: z, j."Am:l. 1s he m whom a!t 'Ihings conji(l, Got. 1. I 7· Ar:c! fo by' Rcafon, that the Wodd by a nrw Gift or ;} ... ~ -~ ~