SEtt: ,.6 Triumph of Faith.' 389 Redemption, is fubjected to :Je(us Chrift, there is a fpecial and partic~lar Prov1dence ofChrift upon Satan ; It concerneth the Redeemed not a little, that Chriftkeep a ftrong and watchful Guard 1 , upon the black Camp out of wh~ch he hatb redeemed ·us, and that the [even Eyes ~hat are before the 'I'hronc, take fpecial notice o~ Hell, who come IP, and cdme out, for there is deep Counfel there againft us : In this Confidera6on, Chrift numbers. all the Footfteps of Devils: Satan hath not" a generalWarrant to tempt the Saints, but to every new A8: againft .7ob, chap. i. I 2. and :Job ii. 6. agttinft Peter, ere he can put him upon one fingle Blaft, to caft him but once through his Sieve, Luke 22. ' 31: yea, againft one Sow, or a EriJl:le ofa Sow, Mat. viii. 3 I, p, He muft have a new figned Commiffion, Chrift's general Pafs, that Satan be fuffere~ as any other SubjeCt: to pais t~rough Chrift's Bounds aad Kingdom, is notenough. dje. 'Tis much for ·our Faith and Comfort, that our Mediator is a Goc! of Gods, a Gor! above the Gorf of this World, a Prince more mighty than the Prince of th~ Air, who ruteth in the Cbitdren of CZJ~fobedience : Yea, now we have a (J reater Victory over Satan, than we know : Sata~ is f() totally routed, put off the F ields, and Chrifr fo ft:rong, that the weakeil: of Saints is ft ronger than the World, and the Spirit Satan that dwelleth in the Wortc!. Chrift's ftrength of Fa ith i.~; ft:ronger than Adam's ftrength nf Inno~ cenc y, 1 :Job. 2. q, I4, I .7oh. v. ·5. The weakefl: Meafure of faving Grace, is ftronger than the higheft Meafure of Malice in ali Hell : When Satan tempteth you, fear him not) refift h im in B b 3 the