Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEa 26 ' Triumph of Faith; 39 t pemand of the Treaty, and you Jh~ll fee, you are mina red ~y a Neceffity of God's 1 potlefs J ufiice, w~o pumlheth fin .by fin, becaufe you go one M1le wuh the Devil, to. go with him two Miles. Ufe 2. If Chrift at a Nod have fuch a .Dominion over Devils, we are under Satan's Power ip being tempted, more than we need: Certain it js, we improve not Chrift's Power of Dominion over Satan to the utmofi; Chrifl can, Heb. vii, z 5. [eis to pantetes] to the utmofl, than he can functif'Y to the utmofl, for Chrift is a Saviour, not only by Merit, but alfo by Efficacy, as our :Di- . vines hold againfi Socinians and Arminirms; an(l .' therefore he 1hould give aB:ual Strength againft I Temptations; if we Jhould not fo careldly improve that Po er Chrift bath over Satan·: I do not mean 'as ·A.rminians do, that Free-will, by Order of Nature, beginneth, firft, to rdift Satan, and then God's Grace followeth, as a Hand-maid· . but I intend this, that becauie Peter is felf-ftron<J ~ ~ • And his Fldh faith to Chri(i, that Chrift is mill~­ } ~en, and looket? betide th~ SpiriJ of Prophecy; for .J1atth. xxv1, 35· He fatth, '1/:Jo' I jhould die with thee, J'et ·witt I net deny tbee: I Belib·, if he had bee diffident of his own Strength, and watched and truired in the Strength of an Intercdfor, he Ihould not have been deterted, io as to deny his Lord;, we put not Chrift to it, to put forth his Omnipote,ncy in every Ad, to ~ave u~, tqat ~e yield not; I deny not, but there m a Neceffity m re2:ard of God's wiie Providc:nce, that the Saints m~i1: !in, and that they be paffive VdfeJs, to carry the Lufire, and hold for~h the Rays and Beams of rardoning Grace: Yet c_ertain it is, there ~e hyp?- thetical Connexions ot iupernatural Prov1dence m B b 4 God'• ...