Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

! 1 t: '~9i The.Trial and SER. ~6 God's eternal Decree, nc:-ver put forth in A8ion becaufe ot onr Lazineis: (As if Gcd fbaU foffe; :Jo~ to. be temp:ed, a11d he b.1' . Gr(lce fin not; ;as :Job 1. 22 . The Lord jhalt alfo(lrengthen him when ~e is tempted rbe {erond flme, not to fin) and (if Abraham be tempted to ~ffer up his orly .Son for f7od; and if he _rietd Obedieue, God jhatl jure!y blefs him ezt7ith the lftefTi; g cf SanBiJictr::iu;, promifed in tbeCo·venam J a~ is ckar, Gen. XXJJ. I 6, 17. Heb. vJ. r 2, I;, r 4· For we 1ee thefe Connexions fometimes put fc ·rth in '[f_~: B c~t other Connexions are not putf(mh in ,48:~, ./VftJ tth.xi.21. Luke xvi. 3 r. 1 Sam.xxiii. 1 2. Such as theie, ifDavid be tempted b_ySatan, he jha£1 not re fl, but j/'a!l n[:tmber tbe Peop!r') (if Peter be !Pmpred, l ~ e jhall ?}Ot fland out in ccnjel]ing his M/{_(ler.) Certam it ls, that as we come fhort of thefeComfi>rts, ofaCommunion with God, which we mi~ht enjoy, by our · 1oo1e walking; fo .upo~ tlte fame R~aion ~e fall fuort of many VH9:ones over Saran, wh1ch we rnight have, if we n1o_uld improve theDomi~i~n and king1 y Power of Chnft over rhat refHe1s Spm t. As th(ltJ tzd/t] As thou deiirdl:: God makerh of his free Di1pen1a' ion, and i.anA:i6ed W 11i and .AffeB:ion in Prayer, the Meafure of his Gifts .to us. A Word then, 1. Of a fanBi6ed Will and .AffeCtion. 2. How thde are the Meafure of God's Goodnefs t~wa rd~ us ' in thefe Po!itions. · Pofir. I. The So:1I is never re~ewed while the 1Vill he rene\\ed; for the Wiil IS the Heart of the Heart, and tbe new Heart is the new . Man, Ezek ;6. z6. 2Jeu.. 30. 6. For the Heart 1s the l(in_g, and Sovereign of Obedience, :!Jeut. ;o. 19. Po(ir. z. All ianchfied AffeCtions are threaded upon the Will; fav~ng Grace can lodge no where but in d~t: Centre of th~ Heart, and that's rhe reuew~d