SER. 26 Triurnph of Fczith~ . newed Will, prefu po!~ ng new Light in the Mind: Grc1ce taketh this 6rft Caitle. Pojit. 3• Hence how many Grains of fanftificd Jt"fitl, as many GraJnc; of new Ohedience, {o Love is the Fire of our Obedience, and \\ i!lingneis the Fat of Obedience, which is kt on Ftre hv I ove. Pofit. 4· A civil U 'iti i~ nod. ianEtifledWi£1, in iome Men the Jf/itt is more moral, ]e1s raging than the Motions of it, b~ing lefS tumultuous, as in fome carnal Spirits the \\heels go with lds Noiie ·; all Rivers make notal ike A8:ton & Stirring on their Banks; butthat rakethnothing from either theirNature orDeepneis, oroc(afi(,nal over-iw -i! in g. 'Pofit 5· The ipecial Mark of a fan8:ified J;t i!t, is, That '6s a hrokenThing, as it were fallen in the Midft in two Pieces, and yielding to r;od and faving Light, t~ere was a Sea of Grdce and C1ving Light in Chrift, no created pl'ilt ftooped to the L1ght of a revealed Decree 1n fuch a iubmiffive Meafure, in a Hell of Fear, Sorrow and Anguifh fc>r an of Punifhment, m(m.· than am 'creature W3sahle tohear, ashedid; },Te ,.·erthelefs, r:ot nzv U/itt, but thv · Tf/itt be d r:e: Far more in other Things of lef.s Pain fhould we fu!fer, e1peciall y in theie, the Wilt is to f~oop. 1. In oppofing our Lufts, as we would tefttfy, that the proudeft Piece in lJS, the Wtlt, harh felt the Influence of Chrfft's Death on .it, '11./}at 'l..Ve no /oy,ger jhoutd ti·ve the rrfl of our Time, to the Lz~fls of M&n, 1 Pet. iv. 2, Jiut to the JVittofGod, 1 Pet. ii. 24. :R om. vi. 6. The Domin1on of V\ ill is the Dominion of Sin. 2. In 'that the Soul fpeaketh out of the Duft, and is put to Silence bdore Goct, and fitteth alone, as Melancholi.:ks do, lam. iii. 1.8, ~9· A tamc;-d :Man is broken i.1 his JVilt, jn which the Pri(ie of oppoiing God. confifteth: Then ](("!, xi. 6