394 7 he Trial and SER: 26 xi. 6, The U'olf dweJteth with the Lamb· ;. ~he Subo;_dination of_ t.he WitJ _to God, is a great Sign of a 1ubdued Spirit; nothmg affeB:eth Independency more than the vain Will, P[at. 37. 7· Re{l on the Lord, l-Ieb Jle jftent to-ward t!Je Lord Vatablus, Jle quit, · repi11e not as di{obedien/ neither anfwer again, lfai. 61. I. Chr1fl: is fen~ to bind up thofe that are broken in WiU or Heart· the Hebrew will indude both, Prov. 15. 31. H; tbat hearkneth to Reproof, r,etteth a Heart,. pojfe_/f!th .his llea_rt, fo Vata_'b!us, the meek Spirit, ~n1ch 1~ Obedience fubmttteth to Rebukes, pof-. ielfeth Ius Heart, and po!feifeth his own Will: Now the contrary mufl: be in the undaunted Man, his Will and Heart muft have Dominion over him, and his Will muft po!fefs him, as Prov. xvii. 18. The unconverted Man is a Man wanting a Heart and~ Witt; a UIU not broken to God is as good as no Will, and no Heart at all: The broken Heart is the Heart to God, and the broken Wilt the Wilt . . Pojit. 6. The Affections in, their N4turals being corrupt,, Grace only maketh them pure, and when they are pureft, they are ftrongeft; 'tis mnft of the Element of th'e Earth ; that is, all Earth, and wanteth all :Mixture of other Elements; that is moft Fire that bath leaft of Earth1 in it; that is £ndt Gold that luth in it ]eaft of other Metals, leaft Drois leaft Ore: When .Afretlions are moir · fteel~d with Gra(e, they have the Jeaft Mixture in thr>m · J ,ove having m·uch of Grace bath 1eaft .of Luft; Zeal with 'ffinch Grace, bath leaft of .the wild-fire'of carnal Wrath, and thefe are. kn?wn by the Swiftnds of their .N.Wtion tow::trd the1r kind- ,, ly Obje8:s; the more of Earth in the Body,. the fw1f•e: