Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

SEtt. "6 Triumph of Faith. 39f fwiftcr is the Motion downward tow~rd theEarth; Fire worketh moft as Fire when it carrieth up in the Air nothing put itfelf, ,or Fire-fparks like it- :feJf, but when it afcenderh, and carrieth up with it Houfes, Mounrains and great Loads of Earth, the Motion is the flower: Grace bf'ing eliential to gracious A£feC:1ions, they run a'nd ;nove kindly and iwiftly, therefore is fupernatural Love, (lron,r; as '.ZJe.1th, harrJ as t.he Grave: In the Martvrs .it was ftronger than _burning quick, than -the Wheels, Racks, and the mofl: exq uifire Torments ; and Chrift's Love was ftronger than Hell: Of all Loves that is the ftrongeft tbar bringeth Sicknetc;, Swooning and Death; Gracious Love produceth Love Sicknefs, Cant. 2. 5- , Swoon ing, Cant. 5. 6. The A1artyrs have died to enjoy him, and refufed to accept of Life; becaLl fc of the Love of an Union with him, Heb. xi. 37. How many deferred Souls come to this, I die, If I enjoy not Chri(l. Po(it. 7· 'Tis good that the Affet1ions be ballanced and lo<Men with heavenly and fpiritual Lights: Lower Vaults, and under Houies iet up Smoak to th{' fair PiEtures that are in the higher Houfes: Lufi:'s Dominion over Light, make rh a mifl:y and unbelieving Mind: So, when the Light is earn:: l, and nothing but worldly Policy, 'ri.~ like the highefl: Houfe, whic;h, if ru inous and rainy, fendeth dowlil Rain, and rontinual Drop., pings on the lower Houfe. Mind and Affc·tlions viti ate and corrJpt one another. Grace in either, contribures much to the Spirit~ality of rl_le Atlions. one of another: So the Mockers of Eternitv and J udgment, are ignor:mt, becaufe they w'ill b~ ignorant, 2. Pet. 3· 5· And Eti's Sons will be 8.- pomin".bl y