=s9~ The Trial and SER· 26 bommably luftful in their Affections, becaufe they know not the Lord, and . are ignorant of God. I Sam. 2. r z. Mat!he·w heareth and feeth .7efus, and he followeth htm, Matth. 9· 9· The more that Mary Magdatene followeth and loveth, the ~or~ Jhe knoweth and feeth the Excellency of C. rift, :John 20. ver. I, I I, I 2, I 3, J4.. compared w.ah ver. 17, I8. Pojit. R. When the Deftres ar'e natural, t'!len heavenly Objects are defired and 'forrowed for in a natural Way. · Jlalaam defires to die the Death of th~ righteoufnefs: But Efau weepeth for the 13Ie!iing m a carnal Way: When the Defires are fpiritual, earth] y ObjeB:s are de'!ired in a fpiritual Way: Even Bread, as it favourdh of Chrift, Mart h. 6. 9· compared with ver. 1 I, r z. And fo the Woman feeketh Deliverance to her Daughter fpiritnally, and with a great Faith. ' Pofit. 9· The Eeliever faith, Jf the Creature, ~vitt go atong ·1Vith me to my rather's Houje, wetcome ; i J not, /what then? There I mu(l ledge, tbo' God refu{e to go with me. . See how God in a Manner refigneth h1s own Freedom in givmg, and transferrt"th this Hon(~ur /. ~n the Woman's De-fire .: God keeps Peace with · a fantl-ified. Jrf!itt in fatisfying, when the Wilt keeps Peace whh God in aB:ing, longing and ~e :firing. r. · He putteth Heaven upon the Ch~1ce of a 1anB:ified Heart, 'IJeut. 30. 1 9· Choofo Life, tbat both t/:Jou and thy Seed mcty tive, Rev. :::.2. 17. Whrfoever witt, let him take of the r:Vaters oF hife freely, Hai. 55. r. Ho, every one iha_t thir(rnh, r:ome ye to _the JrVaters. 2. Hea~en ts , . pu: upon the ~ality of the fVilt, and w·hat _Jt defires, :John iv. 1 o. If. t!Jou lwo'!.e:e.fl the Gt{~~~