-, SElt. z6 Triumph of Faith; ·391 God,~ who it is thatJays to thee, give melJJrink, thou wouldft have asked of him, ~ he jhoutd have given thee theWater ofLife,Rev.z 1.6. I wilt t;ive unto him that thirfl_!th, of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely. There's an E~ge upon the word Fountain; for the Fountain and firft Spring of the Water ofLife is ::.bove the Streams; and this is promifed to- him that bath a heavenly and fpiritual Thirft for Chrift. 3, God putteth himfdf, and the Meafure or Compafs of Heaven, upon the Mea{ure and Compafs of the Rencil and Pitch of heavenly Defires, Prov. 2. 3· If thou cri(Jjl after Know 'edg~, and tijtejl up thy Voice f or Underftandig. v. . 4· If thou feekejl her as Silver, and (earcheft for her as for hid Treafores. v. 5· Then jhatt thou.under.fland the Fear of the Lo1d, and fi nd the K nowledge of God. , There be' four Words here to exprefs the Ben!ll of the Will and Defire; we are to cr.Jl f or Wifriom, the CJ:J.atdeee reads the other Pa rt of the Verk, If thou eaU Underflanding thy Mother; that the Cry fpoken in the former Part, may be fuch a high Cry, a'-; Childre;n ufe when they weep and cry after their . ::Wo~her : T he other Word is, To g}ve t he Voice to '11/ifdom ; the othe-1· two Words do note Sweat .. ' ing, digging in the Jl(),wets of the hart h, cafling up m~·ch Eartl:J to find a 'Ireajlere of Silver or Gotd,~ Pial. 81. 1 0. Open thy Mouth wide, and [wi lt jilt i t, Vatablus, Seek what t hou wilt, ttnd I witt grant it. 'Tis a Doubt, if any Man, . by enlarged Defi res, can put God's givihg Goodnefs to the utmoft Extent. 4· God maketh his · .f<ulnefs in giving, fa r beyend our Narrownefs in feek ing, Eph. 3· 2. 0. He is able to do (this is as m'Jch 11.s he is wi1 ing to do, Rom. xx. 2 3· 7ude v. 2.4.)