B98 "fhe Trial and SER; 20 24.) exreeding abundantly above all that we ask: or think, according to the Po~rer that tzfcrknh in us. This i~ confi<iera ble, that whm Chriil: Jh~ll put the Crown of jncomparable Glory on the Head of the glorified Soul, there fhall be thou fa nd M i !1 ions of moe :Diamonds, Rubies and :Jecu.•eJs of Glory _ on that Diadem, than ever your Thouphts or Imaginations could reach, ar.d more Weight of Sweetnds, Delight, Joy and Glory in a Sight of God, tban the ieeing . Eye~ the hearing Ear, yea, the vafi Vnderftanding and Heart, which can multiply and add to former Thoughts, can be able to fathom, 1 Cor. 2. 9· '\Yhen ye feek and ask ChrJfi from the Father, you know not his Weight and Worth, when you 1ha11 enioy Chrift immediately tlp at the Well~ head; this Ihall much fill tlle .Soul with Adm1ra. rjon, I beliM.Jed to fee much in Ch1'ifl, havingfome :lwi-ligbt and Afternoon, or Moon-lit;ht Gtanres of him dorzvn in the Earth: Jiut 0 blind!, na7·- row I, could never have Faith, Opinion, '1 bought, or Imagination, to fathom the tboujand thou}and Part of the lforth, and 'incomparable Excellency I now fee in him. You may over-think ahd over-praife Paradife, Rome, Naples, the Jjles where thei·e be two Summers in one Year, but yon cannot over-think, or in your Thoughts reach Chrift, and the invifib)e Things of God; only glorified Thoughts, not Thoughts graced only are c0mprehenfive in any due Meafure of God? of Heaven. The glorified Soul /hall be a far W}(ier nnd more ea pacrous Circle, the Diameter of: it in Lenoth, many thoufand Cubits larger in Mind, Tho~1ghts, 2lorified Reafon, Will, Heart, Deilres, Love "Joy, Reverence, e§c. than it is now: We · would