SEtt. ~ 6 . Triumph of Fai~h _ 3.9 9 would in ·feekmg, askmg, praymg, m adortng God in Chr;ft, enlarge our o,wn De!ires, Hrart1 Will and Affections, broa,d and deep, that w_e may take in more of Chrift ; broad ~ra yers flow from broad De!ires, narrow Prayers from niggard and narrow Hearts; we may colletl: the Bignefs of a Ship from the Proportion and ~antity of its .Bottom, in its new framing; if the Bottom draw but to the Proportion of a fmall Vdfel, which can endure no more but a pair of Oars, the Veffel cannot be five hundred Tun, or be able to bear 6o Pieces of Ordn:;1nce ; Prayer bottomed on deep and broad Hunger, and extreme Pain of Love, Sicknefs for Chrift, and great pinching Poverty of Spirit, muft be in PropGrtion wide and deep : 0 but our Veifels are narrow, and our AfeB:ions ; ebb and low; the Ballance that wejgheth Chrift weak, it is as if we fhould labour to caft three or four great Mountains in a Scale of a Merchants ordinary Ballance: We are propor- . tioned in our fpjritual Capacities but for Drops of Grace : Chrift is difpofed to give Grace as a River; 'tis too little to feek Cqrn, J;fi"ine and Oit frot;l God ; he is mor~ willing to give great Thmgs than fmall Tlungs, to ask a Feather, a Penny from a mighty Prince, whenhefaith, Ask what thou witt, to t{:Je Hatj of a Kingdom, and it jhalt be granted to thee, is the undervaluing of the Greatnefs of his Royal Magnific:ence. Ask ~what you '".Vitl (faith Chrift) of my Father in my Name, and it jhalt be granted. Mens Defires run upon removal df the Sword, Peace, Protection, Plenty, Trafficking, peaceable Seas, Liberties of Parliament, Subjetts, Peers, Cities: Little are :Mens Defit·es imployed in feeking Chrift to dw~ll 1n