Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

{ ~oo The Trial and SER~ l7 In the Land, and that the Temple of the Lord be budded: All thefe Suits are below both the Goo~neis of the .Lord, and fpiriL~l Capacity of fanth6ed Affef-bons. .And God g1veth to carnal Men, that whtch then· Soul lufteth after. but in his Wrath. ' S E R l\f 0 N XXVII. Mark vii. 30. And -:.iJhen jhe was come to her J-Jou{e, jhe found the :IJevi t e;one out, and ber :IJaughur laid upon the 2led. J3 Ecaufe I hafte to an End, and fhalt not now • refute the Dream of Papijls from this colieB:- mg the Lawfulnds of the1r bafrard Confirmati- ·on, an--1 of confirming Children, by the unhallowed Blefllng ot the Prebte ; only obferve the Cafe :of the Child) Jf!lark faith, beblemen en epi tes ktines Cafl, in a viotent manner, in a Jled: For this is nor to be a Bed of Reft and Securjtv, as , fome P_ap_ifts .colleB: b~1t to expreis how .violent Satan IS 111 h1s laft Farewell, as when he 1s to be caft out, ~ Mark ix. 20. J;V' en the p~!Jejfed Chibd is bro~ght to .7e{trs, and '7.Vl:'en he [a"<-v him, flrair;;ht way the Spirit tare bim, and be felt on the Ground, and 'Tilaitowed foaming: The 'lJe·vt't and the unclean Spirits are not thrown out of a .Perfon, or Land, bu~ they muft, rage and foam. 1. The Lord faith, Zcrrh. xiii. 2. l •wilt rut off the Names of !dots out of..,the Lanrl, and they jhat! be no more rcmembred; and ' J czvilt caufe the Prophets, and the unclean Spirits to pa[s out of the Land; but this cannot be done but wnh great Violence, Ver. 3· 'fhe Farher and t/Je .Moth~r jbctlt