Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

-Sta. ,_ 1 · Triumph of Faith ~of {ha# thrttfl through with a Sword thefalfe Propheteven rheirownSon ere he be put out of theLandi The 2Jevit will not be removed without Blood, 'Sweating, and great Violence; when the unclean ' Spjrits of Men' given to curious Arts; and the 1d<:rl: '.lJiantt is preached d6wn in Ephejus, Aels 1 9· 1 8. 'That 'Whole gre.1t City wasfr,eU of Wrath~ -· ttnd the'V cry out, Great is Diana of the Ephefians, V er. 19. And the whole City · waljiJteit with Confuflon. When Chrifl co~eth to the Crown and the Throne, 7ews and Gentiles, the Kings and Rulers of the Earth, Herod and, Pitate with theGentiles and the People of Ifrael ·are gathered toget}Jer~ Afls iv. z-5, z6, ~7· The yVord, .Pfat. ii~ 1. [Rqgejbu] . it. is to ~ake a great 'I umult. as a furwus . Multitude gathered together, that maketh a Noife as the N01fe of a troubled Sea; therefore iome, not without Rea:fon11 fay, the Sons of Zebedeus are called [1ienairegejhi,] Sons of Thunde1', Luke, Acts ii. ufe- th · the Word-after the Seventy ephryox_en Which llu-._ . deus expoundeth of fierce . and w1ld Horfe; and certainly Chrift is crowned upon Mount Zion with Garments rollf'd i'n Blood, this is a fpoiling of, and a trinmphing over Pr}ncipalities an4 Powers, Chrift dyed the black Crofs with red Blood, when he per·f-')rmed this noble Act of Redemption, Col. z. I 4, 1 ;- So when Chrift entreth in anv Soul to dwell, there ne muft firft bind the Devil, and then JPoil his Hou{e, Matth. :xii. 29o What Wonder is it that Muhi! udes 0f Herefies and Sects, a'1d many·blaiphemous and faH~ Ways~ I arife now, wnen th ~ Lord lS to buikl up Zion: Satan, . whe~ Chrift is to fail, and ~is Kingdom a cornmg Kmgdom (as we pray) rtufeth up Storm~ C c and