'4oi . . '1 he Trial 4nd SER. 'Zj and Wtnds In the broad Lake· of Brimftoue to drown the Church of God:. Chrift bath not fair Wear~er when h: goeth to Sea, Matt h. 8. 23, 2.4. yet hts Jo~uney .ts lawful~ When Chrift is upon AB:s o(hts Prze(lhood, and ftandeth at the great H~~h .AJtar ~ith his. Cen/er of Gold to o.ffer up the Pratyers of the Satnts to God, he cafteth Fire 'With the fame Cenfer down upon the Earth, and there be then '1 hundrinrz:s, Lir!;htnings, andEarth1/Uakes; and h~nce fo1Ioweth terrible Judgments upon the ·Earth! as Hait, Fire minp;Jed with ·:Blood, an4 a Mountain burning with Fire, and the third Part of the Sea becomes 1Uood, and a clear burning Star, like a Lamp, called, Worm- · ~:ood, makjng the third Part of the Waters bitter, doth fall from Heaven, which is as much as Wht>n Chrift is upoFl Acts of Mercy toward his People; peitil.ent Heteiies . of the Popijb Clergy and others darkneth the third Part of the Sun and Moon; that is, of the Light ot the Gofpel, Rqv. ·viii. 17 z, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, ro, I r, u. Evetl as when ·()ur TJord Jefus ihndeth to intercE>ed for ·the People, and toprayfor fallen .7erufa~em, ~which is as a Fire brand ptuckt out of the Ftre: Satatz :ftandeth at his right Hand, his working Hand tO' hinder him, Zach. z. I, z, 3 z.. This refolveth to tnany thetr State; many are free of the Devil: I thank God (faith one) I know not Satan, nor any of his Works: I have Peace, Satan did ne- ~~Jer tare me, nor caufe me to jatt to tbe Earth. ~or dotb he torment me·: But this is a fearful Condition; :,:. It is an Argument of a falfe Pe~c~: When the flronJ!, Man is 'l.Vithin, tl~e H~u{e_tS m Peace, nor- to be tempted ~f the :!Je~Jt/, 1s the greateft Temptation out of Hell; and 1f there be · any-