Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

S'ER. 2 7 Triumph of Faith; I 4o J. eny Choife of Devils, a ra~ing and a roaring De: vil i~ better than the calm and fleeping Devil .. When the Devil is within, he fleepeth and is filent, .and the Houfe or Soul he is in, is filent, and there is a Covenant with Death and Hell, Jja. xxviii. 15. Now Hell keepeth true to a na·t~ral Man for a Time, Ceflation of Arms between the Sou~ ·and Satan ' is Security for a Timr, but 'tis not Peace: The Devil's War is .better than the Devil's Peace ; carnal Hypocrify is a dumb and filent Thing, but_'tis terrible to be carried to Hdl with.. ()Ut any N01fe of Feet: The V'v..Q.eets of Satan's Chariot are oiled with carnal Reft, and they go without ratling and Noife; the D,evil carrieth few to Hell with Jhou6ng and crying, fufpeB: dumb Holinds; when the"Dog is kept out of Doors he howles to be jn again; the Covenant of, .~atan to Eve ( fin and you jh~tt 11ot die) ftandeth with ·all Men by Nature, · till Jdus Chrift break Peace ·between us ansi Satan. z. Contraries meeting, fuch as hot and dry Fire, and cold and ~Moift Water, they conflitl: one with another, and where Satan findeth a fanA:ified Heart, he tempteth with much I11Jportunity, as at one time, Chrift £ndeth three mighty Temptations, and he he departeth from .·/Jim only, achri {{airon, for a littlr! time, Luke iv. I 3· Where there's moft of God and of Chrift there there's thong InjeB:ions i!OO Fire.brands caft i'n at the Vvindows, as fome of much Faith have been tempted to doubt ; Is there {t '.ZJeity tkat rtdeth att, and where is he? Jfle fee him not. Ano- . ther is often affaulted :with this, Is there a Heaven for Saints ? Is there a li?lt for 'IJevils and wicked Men ? We neven jpok!J czt ith a Mef C ~ z. . fen~