Su.~ '-7 - rjriumph of Faith; . ·40~ ·· Cities keep Watth, and Stranger~ without a Pais are examined, fearched and tried, what Correfpondence they have with the Enemy. 4 · God's way of hardening by Satan is often myfterious, ftlent, dumb and fpeaketh not, 7o!Jn ix. 39· For judp;ment I come into this Wortd: But what ' a J ~dgm~nt? S~ch_ as walketh in the dark, · and ktlleth m a m1dmght :fleep! That the:,y that fee may be made blind: Thts Judgment fpeaketh not. 0 terrible ! God bath put out the Mans two Eyes; but how, m· when, he cannot \e1l; t heNerves & the Eye-ftrings ofthe Mans Soul are broken, but there was not a Crack, nor any no1fe heard whenGod fnapped them in two Pieces.Chrift came when the Man was :fl~eping, and his Serjeant the Devil with him, and put his Hand on his Heart, and gave the Lock, the Sprents, and Wards · of the Hearra throw and a crook, and all the Keys in Heaven and Earth cannot fhut or open , his Heart, & this was done without hoift: or pain,· the Man was never put to his Bed for the Bufinefs; the conveyance of the Bufinefs was fpiritual, but invifible: 0 fleeping World, awake out of your rotten and falfe Peace: Oh, the Lord bindeth Men, and they cry not: And the Devil bindeth many, and they cry not; Pharaob knew not when his Heart was hardned, the Confcieace faw it not, even as a Stone groweth in the Bladder without our fenfe of it,.._, the Buftnefs was tranf acted without one cry, or any Witnds: Carnal Hellifh Se-curity is dumb-born : ·Let my Child jleep (faith the Devil) and awake him not, tilt the heat of the Furnare of Hett melt a:zvay his fatje 4 Peace: Why? But Men may be deluded havin~ no bands en their :lJeatb)J as they lived _ de~