Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

I •' '~~ .. }' .. ) \ 4o6 The Trial ~c. Snt. '-7 deluded? Wrath and J uft1ce are moving, to ma_ , nv Souls ~eering i_n Dea~h, without noite of Feet, the Swora o God ts crvtng to Souls without any Voice ; the'Wheels of the fiery Chariots of God's Indirrnation are mm-·ina over flain Men in Scotland'::>and EHgtanrl, without the Rattleing or prancing ofthe Horfes: 0 pity, a Tempeft, a Devil comes and fteals away the Mans Soul, and hi_s Confcience out ofhim in the Night & he knoweth not : Chrift faith, Silence, waken him nor, while he be over· Ears in the Lgke; and Satan faith, .waken him not, while I be ture of h1m; a dumb Judgment i~ twice a Judgment. /, FINIS. \