Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

.· 14 The Trial and SERM. l as one too foon out of Bed in the Morning_; 0 ftck 0f Love! 0 /hew him! charge you tell him, Watchmen, Vaugh~ers of .7irujalem, that I am jick of Love: Love 1s a -paming, feverous, torment-: ingSicknefs: Grace cannot put on alaughi Mask, when fweet Jefus is hidden: Love hath n0 Art to £onceal Sorrow, the Countenance of :David1 Pfalm 42. 5. is fick, there's Death in his Face, when God is not the Light of his Countenance. ; . The Joy of his Prc:fence cannot be hid, fhe cannot but tell and cry out, 0 fair! 0 white .Day! He is come again, Cant. 3· 4· It ttwrs bttt a little that I pajfed from him, but I found him ·<whom tn)' Sout loved. She numbred all the Mi1es fhe travelled while her IJord was abfent: Joy will fpeak, ~tis not dumb, Cant. 1· 9· 'Ihe R.pofof my Mouth (is) tike ,the befl JiVine for my !Beloved, tbat goeth down fweetl;', caujing t/:Je Lip~ of thofe that ar llj/eep to fpeak. Matd1. 9· I 5· Can the Chitclren of the !Bed-chamber mourn as long as the !Bridegroom is "rrvith them? (i.e.) They cannot choofe but rcjnyce. 4· Grace in a fincere Profdfor, and Chrift cannot be hid, there came a good fai"r Breath with a ]:)}aft offweet Weft-wind ot Heaven on .. 7ofeph of Arimathea, the Time was ill, Chrift was dead; and he can dlifemble no longer, Mark I 5· 43· nil.· fUJ(J'"~ El1's1A9~, eo.»ith much ;])aring anrJ Jiotdnefl, he went into Pitate with,, Petition : I befeech ~"'ou my Lore! Go·vernor, let me !:Jav_e this .7efus .his deaJ Jiorfy: There was fome F1re of Heaven in this bol.d Profeffion; \\'hat would this be thought -t>f, to fe~ a nob I~! and honourable Lord-Judge with a dead and crucified Man's Body in his Arms? J3ut Fa1th knowctk no Blufhing: Grace cannot be afh!lmed;