SEtt M. 3 Triumph of Faith. I .) afhamed; there was a· ftraight Charge laid on the Apofl:les, Preach no mote in the Name of .7efos, A& 4· x 3· Peter and .'fohn, with a -rappnfifct., boldly fay, 20. We cannot but fpeak the 'Th'ings ~e httve heard and feen : Lay as heavy Weights as Death, burning quick1 fa wing at;under, on the Sincerity of Faith in the Martyrs 1t muft up the Mountain. '.IJavid's Grace, Pfat. 39· 1. was kept in as with a JIJuzzle put on the l'rfouths of Jlea(ts: It was as Coals of Fire in his Heart, and ne behoved to fpe.ak even before the Wicked; I belie·ved, therefore I jpake, Pial. n 9· 10. 5· .when1.'feremiah layeth unlawful Bands on himidf, 'IO.fpeak no more, in the Name of the LorJ; there is a Spirit of Prophecy lying on him, he is not Lord of his own Choice, 7er. :.o. 9· Jlut his 1Forrl was in my Heart, as a butning Fire fhut up in my Jlones, anrl I was weary forbearing, anrJ I could not flay ·: There's a Majefly of Grace on the Confcience of tDe Child of God, that muft break out in holy Duties; thot Temptation fhould hide Chrifi: in his Grace, tempted Jo(eph is overawed with this, Gen. 29. 9·. Ho<:.v r;an I then cfo this f!:,reat Wirkeclnefs, an! fin a,e:,ainft God? This a~fome Majefty of the Grace of God's Fear, cauf~th _7o{ef!h. fee noth~ng .in Harlotry but pure, unmixt:>d GUiltmefs agatnft God; there's an over- , maftering A pprehenfioR of Chrift's Love, 2 {:or. 5· 14. that conftraineth Paut to out the Love of Chrift, in dedicating himfelf to the Service ofthe Gofpel. Tho' Paut would not have preached; vet he had a Sum to pay, Rom. r. 14. I am. ·vebtor both to the Greeks anrl the 7larba1·ians, both to the Wife ancf umvife. Grace awed him, as a Deht layeth Fetters on an ingenious Mind, he 'an.not but OU;r