Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

16 The Trial and SEttM~ 1 out his free and honeft Mind in paying \\hat he oweth. 6. God's Defertion cannot fo hide and overc1oud C'hrift ; but a..g~inft Senfe the Child of God rnuft · believe; yea, and pray in Faith, Pfot, 22. 1. My God, my God,"why z. 0 my God I cry by :Day. Tho' Sin over-cloud Chrift, and ~a"!Jid fall in Adultery and Blood, there's a Seed of Chrift, that muft caft out Bloffoms, he cannot but repent and forrow. God's Decree of Grace in the Execution of it1 may be broken in a Link lw fome great Sin, but Chrift cannot but fodder the Chain, and raife the faJJen Sinner. Ufe. It fhall be ufeful then for the Saints, when the Spirit cotneth in irs Stirrings and impetuous AEts, to co-operate with him, and to antwer his Wind-blowing: ;Tis .good to hoife up Sail and make our, when a fair Wind and a flrong Tid calleth: Sometime Grace maketh the Hear; as a hot Iron, 'tis good then to imite with rhe Hammer: \Vhen your Spirit is docile, and there cometh a Gale ofChrift's fweet we.ft-wind ~nd rufheth in. with a \1 7 armnefs of Heart. in a praying Diipofition, to retire to a Corner and pour out the Soul before the Lord, as we are to take Cbrift at his Word, fo are we to take Chrift's Spirit at his Work: He knocketh, knock thou with him: His Fingers make a Stirring upon the Handles of the 1lttr, and_ d~·op do"'<-Vn pure Myrrl1e, Let thy Heart make a fbrrmg with his Fingrrs alfo. I grant, Wir.d maketh failing, and a 11 ' the Power~ on. Earth cannot make vYind; yet when God n.akerh Wind~ the S!:a·men may draw Sails and launch forth: God prevent~th in a ll thefe, the Spirit be~lteth F ire o>.lt of our Flint, 'we are ro lay to a Match and receive, rc:;rcb in th.-: Htart